The Sims 4: Simfomercials

Brand: The Sims | Role: Creative Director

Directors: Josh Forbes + Rupert Cresswell | Production House: Alkemy x

ACD: Katrina Michie

Senior Creative: Rachel Crowley

Creative Director, Design: Mary Rauzi

Senior Designer: James Aloysius

Director, Brand Marketing: Tiara Puglisi

Director, Brand Strategy: Mark Renken


Platinum, Advertising, The Muse Awards

Gold, Advertising, The ADDYS

Gold, Advertising, The Tellys

Platinum, Video Advertising, The Vega Awards


Why doom scroll or binge watch into the wee hours, when you can learn something about yourself instead? In this infomercial-inspired campaign starring Mxmtoon, we connected with noctural gen z folks and encouraged them to trade less productive late night activities for self-discovery after dark—in The Sims.


stay up with yourselves

Building upon the success of Find Yourselves, we once again took a social first approach that leaned into 90s and 00s nostalgia gen z loves so much. For this campaign, we reimagined infomercials in all their cheesy, simple solution selling glory, casting the hilariously talented Mxmtoon as the QVC saleswoman, the TV audience, and all the different Sim Selves that you might find in the Sims.


Fever Dream :15


QVSims :15


Late Night TV :15


Tired of being you? :06


Go online :06


Binge watch :06


The Sims x Winnie Harlow


The Sims 4: Find Yourselves