Vitiligo comes to the Sims 4

As part of a continued efforts to diversify character creation and help all Simmers feel represented, The Sims 4 added new skin details to Create-A-Sim to represent vitiligo, an autoimmune disease that affects an estimated 1% of the US population and 100 million people worldwide. With the free base game update, Sims of all ages can have vitiligo with varying amounts of coverage and symmetry on their face, torso, and limbs.

While we typically don’t treat all updates with such fanfare, knowing how much this update would mean to our community, and to the ability for Simmers around the world to truly see themselves represented, we partnered with Canadian fashion model, vitiligo activist and Simmer, Winnie Harlow, to announce the much-anticipated update and help get the word out.


Glamour Magazine


Inclusion is iconic

To Winnie Harlow, who grew up playing the Sims, and has lived with vitiligo since the age of four, this update was a gift to “Little Winnie” who never saw herself represented. To honor little Winnie with this partnership, we collaborated with Winnie to create a true-to-her Sim as well as her Sims Dream Home—inspired by her modern LA aesthetics.


There's no reason why there shouldn't be inclusivity. If we can have so much inclusivity in real life, there's no reason why we shouldn't have it in fantasy. ”

Winnie Harlow


Google Pride: This Is Family


The Sims 4: Simfomercials