The Sims 4: Find Yourselves

Brand: The Sims | Role: Creative Director

Director: Elizabeth Orne | Production House: Hungryman Productions

ACDs: Jonathan Richardson, Katrina Michie

Senior Creatives: Rachel Crowley, Jack Welles

Creative Director, Design: Mary Rauzi

Senior Designer: James Aloysius

Press: Adweek

Awards: Finalist, Effie


Whether you’ve got an inner Goth who is dying to come out, a flair for the fishtail, or a deep dark desire to Dad, the Sims gives you the opportunity to discover every wild and crazy (or surprisingly mundane) side of you. Without the freaked out parents or confused AF bestie.

So before you commit to who you want to be IRL, why not explore all of your options, in the Sims?


the sims as a sitcom

Instead of centering our campaign around hero spots, we created a series of videos in social formats to reach our audience (and our star’s audience) where they live online. Inspired by the 90s gen z loves so much, we reimagined our favorite coming of age sitcom scenarios with a twist—the star “family” was the five different Sim personas of Bretman Rock.


:30 Meet the Bretmans

:15 A Very Bretman Breakfast

:15 Bedtime with the Bretmans

in-game goes out of home

In a first for The Sims 4, we took in-game assets to the streets by introducing pedestrians in Los Angeles, New York and Chicago to all of Bretman’s Sim selves, in a throw back wild posting activation with cheeky CTAs that spoke to the various things you might discover about yourself by playing the Sims.

hear from the bretmans

Building on our analog OOH, we created a 1-877 number and voicemail activation inspired by the 90s cult classic Dream Phone game that encouraged folks who passed by our OOH—as well as visitors to our microsite—to dial in and pick an extension to reach the voicemail of the Bretman of their choice.


voicemail audio:


The Sims 4: Simfomercials


The Sims 4: Moosic Video