Our Silent Partner

Agency: Personal Project | Role: Creative Director, Copywriter

Design Partner: Victoria Rosselli


AdAge, Adweek, Muse by Clio, The One Club, Little Black Book.


Silver at the Side Show Awards, Social Good


Two months into the global pandemic that was hitting the creative industry hard, and on the brink of a civil rights movement that was bringing our industry face to face with our own systemic racism, Victoria and I were struggling with our own mental health—and concerned about the mental health crisis that was brewing among our fellow creatives.

As the days wore on, we could no longer ignore our own mental health challenges—or the deafening silence coming from Agency Leadership. So we decided to get them talking—by turning our invisible struggles into creative work that begged to be discussed.

In May (Mental Health Month), we launched Our Silent Partner, an anonymous, crowd-sourced creative portfolio that expresses what it’s like to live and work as a creative with mental health challenges. And we started a much-needed conversation around mental health in our industry.


breaking our silence on mental health

We started an important conversation during a global pandemic by asking creatives to do what they do best: tell stories through art and copy.


silent struggles become loud art

From anxiety and depression to ADHD and OCD, creatives from all over world submitted anonymous art that expressed what it was like to live in their minds.


Hilton: Eforia Visual ID